在线免费GIF图片制作工具 详细资料


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在线免费GIF图片制作工具是一个可以制作gif格式的动画图片工具,用户无需注册即可在线制作一个漂亮的动态图片,方便设计师制作优秀的动态效果图。工具使用非常简单,该网站提供很多现成的模版,先要选择你想要的模版效果,然后再修改颜色、图片格式、背景颜色、图片大小,完成后点击生成即可。Free loading APNG and GIF creator. Create your loading animations from the pre-made templates.APNG is short for Animated Portable Network Graphics or Animated PNG. The difference of APNG from GIF is that the first one supports 8 bit transparency and 24 bit color scheme. In other words the APNG supports partial transparency, While GIF format supports only complete transparency or no transparency at all, and APNG can have much more colors than animated gif.The format is not very popular as it's not supported by all browsers. The new versions of most browsers support it (Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Opera). Google Chrome supports it only with a special extension that still has some bugs and does not fully display it. Internet Explorer does not support the APNG yet.


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网站常用标签 loading gif loading png loading image gif loading gif transparent

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