初创企业前端研究博客 startcup.in 详细资料

初创企业前端研究博客 startcup.in

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初创企业前端研究博客是一个针对初创公司探讨发展,介绍成功案例的博客网站,随着创业团队和企业的不断出现,如果更好的为初创公司开发和推广产品,该博客有很多深入的介绍。Startcup也是一个团队,他们其中有开发人员、设计师、网站编辑、市场营销等,通过独到的简介和可行性探讨,为那么些企业和团队出谋划策,解决他们在创业过程中遇到的问题。We’re a small army of super creative coders, designers, editors, writers and relentless marketers all with an insatiable desire to take on your brief. With a multi-talented team we combine our creative forces to cover up startup news, interviews with the early-bird entrepreneurs and the problems that young entrepreneurs are trying to solve.We started Startcup in 2012 to build a common and a transparent community for entrepreneurs and startups that have emerged from the crowd to build #hardcore products. Since our launch we’ve picked up so many positive feedbacks that we’re running out of papers to put them all. We aim to be the full-fledged media agency within the next five years.We are also looking for dedicated and young chaps to join our Startcup team! If you’re associated to any one of the below six communities, we’d love to have you in our team.


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