协作式图片拼图分享应用 pixplit.com 详细资料

协作式图片拼图分享应用 pixplit.com

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协作式图片拼图分享应用是一个可以允许用户在分享照片之前通过协作完成内容创作的应用工具,Pixplit上已经有很多作品涵盖了艺术和幽默领域,其中更不乏一些极度优秀的作品。是一款允许用户进行合作以共同创建图片的分享应用。为了完成一副完整的作品,用户需要预先选择一款包含众多分离框架的模版,然后Pixplit将会要求用户选择上传某张照片,并搭配自己喜欢的滤镜效果。完成这些步骤后,用户便可以将这副还未完成的拼贴画发布在信息流中,而关注这位用户的其他人则可以根据自己的喜好继续进行填充,直到完成所有的空格。Pixplit is a creative collaboration network where friends create images & photo collages together in a single frame.By using Pixplit users can easily turn from passive content consumers to active creators, be part of a visual dialoge with friends and new people. The results are collaborations that offer constant surprise, and infinite opportunities for creativity.Our flagship product, Pixplit for iPhone, is the world’s first app that allows users to create images together with friends and complete a ‘social photo collage’ that is called a split.Launched in Oct 2012 at the StartTWS launchpad competition and won first place and the "Best Startup" award.


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