社会化照片图墙分享平台 picsho.com 详细资料

社会化照片图墙分享平台 picsho.com

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社会化照片图墙分享平台是一个集合了多个流行图片网站的图片画廊整理分享站点,它支持twitter、instagram、twitpic、flickr、lockerz、tumblr等,通过关键词来获取你所需要的图片资源,然后建立自己的图墙专辑。网站除了可以创建自己的图墙外,还支持搜索功能,用户可以通过关键词来搜索你想要寻找的图片资源。Picsho is a Photo Gallery Generator that uses the hashtags (terms preceded with the # symbol) to find relevant media across various photo sharing websites and web applications.Picsho uses the APIs (application programing interfaces) of several entities including Twitter, Instagram, Twitpic, yFrog, Mobypicture, but is not endorsed or certified by any of these companies.Picsho does not store any images or actual user information from the APIs that it uses. Images are served from their original location on their respective companies' images host. Any actual user information that is displayed is served from the API of it's respective website or application.Picsho does not own or make claim to any of the images displayed from the APIs, websites, or hosts that they are served from.Picsho can not (and will not) guarantee that any saved gallery, or the images within it, will remain intact and/or functional.Picsho can (and will) be modified when necessary to comply with the terms and guidelines of the API providers that it makes use of.The names and logos of third party entities including Twitter, Instagram, Twitpic, yFrog, Mobypicture, and Facebook are the property of their respective owners.


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