生活工艺DIY分享博客 asubtlerevelry.com 详细资料

生活工艺DIY分享博客 asubtlerevelry.com

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生活工艺DIY分享博客是有一位双胞胎妈妈创办的一个生活博客,维多利亚赫金斯用一种生活方式+工艺博客的模式来记录自己家庭生活的点点滴滴,从该博客你可以获得有关于提供生活质量的创意信息。维多利亚赫金斯于2011年创办该博客,分享了分享的栏目有DIY创意手工制作,家居装饰心得,婚礼策划创意,食谱分享等内容。由于其内容丰富实用性有强,获得了赫芬顿邮报的报道。About the blog: Welcome to A Subtle Revelry, a lifestyle + craft blog with simple ideas for merrymaking the everyday. This blog was started as a passion project in May 2010 by Victoria Hudgins and has grown into a popular place for all things DIY party, home and wedding related.About the magazine: A Subtle Revelry the magazine was created in 2011. The art of merrymaking in seasonal editorial form!About the E-Course: The Business of Blogging is my e-course where I take interested students through a month long class on creating a profitable and sustainable blogging business. Find more information on the class right here.Recent Press: A Subtle Revelry has been voted one of Babbles 50 best design blogs for moms. We’ve recently been featured in Better Homes and Gardens, Living Etc., Southern Style, Artful Blogging and Family Fun magazine. Online, our craftiness has ben featured at the Huffington Post, Apt. Therapy, Martha Stewart, Design Sponge and many others.

内容提要: At times A Subtle Revelry collects information from you. We also from time to time post sponsored content & affiliate...


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