跨平台短信自动同步应用 mysms.com 详细资料

跨平台短信自动同步应用 mysms.com

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跨平台短信自动同步应用是一款功能非常强大的短信工具,支持Windows、Mac、iOS、Android和Web多平台,可完全可以替代多系统自带的短信功能,可以让短信通过网络在各平台无缝自动同步,即使换手机也能轻松找回所有短信。不仅具备普通的短信收发功能,还能够转发、横向输入、统计字数以及对短信进行加密等等,自带的联系人排序工具能让你更快的找到发送对象,十分方便。首次使用 mysms 需要激活,输入手机号码后,你回接到一个来自美国号码的电话,接听它,仔细听里面的数字(英文),那个是激活验证码;之后就可以正常使用了,除了云同步,mysms 还可以将短信保存在 Evernote 中。mysms Messenger is a completely free messaging service that supports texting on your smartphone, computer and tablet. mysms works cross-platform and is always free of charge. Stay connected with your friends and family no matter where they are.You can only use this with other MySMS users... Waste of time. I suggest you move that part of the app description to the very top. I am not going to invite all 50+ people I text on a daily basis, just so I can text from my tablet. Make it work with existing contacts/phone numbers and iMessage and then we will talk about the $4 for the pro version. Or make that a pro feature! Integration, not separation...


访问者分布(%) & 网站排名变化曲线
1  United States(39.2%)
2  India(7.2%)
3  France(6.9%)
4  Poland(4.2%)
5  Germany(3.1%)

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