在线网页模版交易平台 详细资料


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在线网页模版交易平台是一个基于 Joomla和Wordpress模版制作、交易、分享、下载于一体的网页设计师交流平台,设计师们可以分享自己的网页模版,为客户定制模版等。对于Joomla模版有可能很多人不知道,但是提到Wordpress模版知道的人是非常多的,而使用Wordpress建站的站长们更是数之不尽,在互联网中什么样的模版都可以找的到,但是TemPlaza 平台上的模版都是专业的网页设计师们精心打造的,有的提供免费下载,有的收费购买,国内很多提供Wordpress模版的站点很多经典模版都是出自这里。国内提供的模版一般都是只有模版文件而没有模版使用教程,例如我今天要分享的一个模版,VANIA模版,简单介绍一下:Vania is the perfect makeover for Wordpress blog and news site, approaching personal and professional use. This wonderful theme is fully responsive and comes with multiple theme styles to change as well as a wide range of portfolio types. Vania, which is designed to be easy-to-use as possible, features a draggable image gallery, featured posts and so much more.你可以在国内的一些站点上找到这个模版,但是你不会找到他的模版使用说明,这个对于使用者来说有点麻烦,当然你如果非常熟悉Wordpress的话就不用说了,对于不怎么熟悉的用户就有点难度了。这里附上使用会说明【Vania模版使用说明】--有搞懂的记得给我一份使用说明!TemPlaza, the website built and improved by Sunland., Jsc. We supply templates and other qualified applications on Joomla and WordPress. Our head quarter is located in Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam and which was recently voted as one of the most peaceful destinations of Asia for residence and business as well.Our mission is to supply templates and applications. The company is formed of most skilled staff, with a variety of experience in information technology and communication section in general, and working with Joomla and Wordpress in particular. With the strong desire to bring improvement to customer business, we are thriving to supply the best products, se


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