预览式内容搜索引擎 psykoo.com 详细资料

预览式内容搜索引擎 psykoo.com

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预览式内容搜索引擎是一个新的体验式搜索引擎,可以帮助你更快的找到想要的内容,并且可以以预览的方式为你展现出来,例如网站缩略图、图片缩略图,而且命中率相对于其他搜索引擎来说还是相对比较高的。一般我们经常使用的搜索引起都是有记录个人信息的功能,例如你搜索什么关键词的时候,会记录并展示给你一些相关的广告,不管你访问什么网站,只要有广告,肯定是跟你的关键词有一定的联系性,而搜索因此不会记录你的个人信息;搜索引起基于图片式的展示方式,你可以选择列表展示、图格展示,例如搜索图片的时候,该搜索引擎是基于Tumblr、instagram、flckr、500px、bing、google,所搜索的内容速度显示是相当快的,只要你使用了就会觉得这个搜索引擎很不错。 is a new search experience.With PsykOo you will find what you’re looking for faster!Since you can preview websites before you get there.1 Picture is worth a 1000 words». That’s true!Words take a lot more time to process than images.So that will dramatically decrease the errors that you make trying a bunch of websites and going back.It’s also great for discovering things you would never have noticed otherwise.An other problem with Google or Bing is that they know so much about you. In fact they know where you live,what you searched for and what you like!Who cares right?Except those data will follow you around on multiple websites, That’s why you keep seeing the same ads again and again everywhere you go!They call that ‘targeting’, but one could call that ‘stalking’.If you take privacy seriously. is for you.We want the best search experience for you.And that’s why we also care about your privacy.


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