在线CSS代码编辑器及共享网 详细资料


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在线CSS代码编辑器及共享网是一个可以帮助网站开发人员调整代码和分享的网站,用户可以提交自己的网页模版代码,也可以在线调整编码的样式,对于码农来说,自己的作品被更多人认可是一件非常有意义的事情,有创意就赶紧分享吧。该网站不仅仅可以展示自己的作品,更重要的是你可以查看所有提交上来的源码,并且可以在线修改和测试,例如Zhui近比较流行的 Flappy Bird这个小游戏,你在该平台上就可以看到,同时也可以在线编辑源码文件。CSSDeck is a cool place for HTML/CSS/JS DevsIts about quite a few things. You can use CSSDeck to make testcases and share with other people on IRC, forums, StackOverflow, etc. who help you solve your coding problems. You can even code with multiple people in realtime in various modes. Remember etherpad ? Yeah we've got something like that for HTML/CSS/JS coding with lots of other bells and whistles.If you're creating some cool crazy stuff with the powers of CSS3 and JS you can post it here and we're going to feature it in the gallery helping you get some fame as well as helping others learn about the cutting edge practices and methodologies.You can also try creating or watching codecasts which is basically a recording of whatever code is typed in the code editors. This way other people can "playback" your recording in a video style and learn how the creation was developed.


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1  India(35.8%)
2  United States(6.3%)
3  Indonesia(3.2%)
4  Spain(3.1%)
5  France(2.9%)

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网站常用标签 checkbox css css checkbox scrollbar css html css editor css scrollbar

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