不可思议的创意博客 incrediblethings.com 详细资料

不可思议的创意博客 incrediblethings.com

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不可思议的创意博客是一个致力于分享互联网中有趣、搞笑、概念化设计、创意话题等内容资源,主要栏目有玩具和游戏、艺术与设计、美食、科技话题、时尚话题、视频等。人们对于新奇的事物都是希望窥探其中的奥秘,所以很多国外的站点都是喜欢把怪异类、创新类、搞笑类内容作为主要发布的对象,生活其实没有那么多压力,给自己的生活添加丰富多彩的话题是轻松生活的钥匙。喜欢创意的用户可以通过RSS阅读管理工具来订阅该网站上的文章,每天你都会收获富有激情的创意灵感文章,让你每天都有一个好心情。If it’s incredible and it’s on the web, we’ll cover it. Our seamless mix of concept designs and (actual) awe-inspiring products results in a vivid bazaar to be enjoyed as you wish. So stay tuned, because there’s more cool, weird and wonderful coming your way every day.Incredible Things is one of those sites that’s kind of flying under the radar, and yet is gaining quite a bit of popularity and momentum virally, due to the quality of its content. As they say themselves, “if it’s incredible and it’s on the web, we’ll cover it,” and they happen to be pretty good at it.Many of the items they choose to talk about will go on to be picked up by other websites, and amplified organically. There’s no specific theme or uniting thread between the various items, at least none other than sharing that hard-to-perfect mix of “cool and weird.” Some examples:Sriracha-laced candy canes, Star Wars shooting target prints, or Golden Girl’s LEGO Minifigs.


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1  United States(43.6%)
2  India(9.5%)
3  Canada(3.2%)
4  United Kingdom(3.1%)
5  Romania(1.0%)

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