欧洲证券及市场管理局官网 esma.europa.eu 详细资料

欧洲证券及市场管理局官网 esma.europa.eu

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欧洲证券及市场管理局()是欧洲OTC产品相关规则的制定与修改者,是批准OTC产品进行强制性中央结算的唯一权威机构。欧洲市场设施管理条例(EMIR)中对所有在OTC及未受管制市场交易的衍生品合约进行了规定。欧盟金融监管体系是欧盟在应对金融危机时创建的金融监管框架的体制架构,设立了三个新机构:欧洲银行管理局系统(EBA)、欧洲保险和职业养老金管理局(EIOPA)和欧洲证券及市场管理局(),以取代原有的三个旧机构:欧洲银行监管委员会(CEBS)、欧洲保险和职业养老金监事委员会(CEIOPS)和欧洲证券监管委员会(CESR)。2011年1月1日,欧洲证券及市场管理局(European Securities and Markets Authority, )正式取代欧洲证券监管委员会(CESR),总部设在巴黎。其使命是建立一套欧盟统一的资本市场监管规则,通过有效的监督和监管为欧盟投资者提供保护,并为金融机构提供公平的竞争环境。拥有制定规章的权力,有权登记交易资料。金融机构参与者被要求向交易数据库进行报告,报告应该包括合同参与方、合同标的类型、到期时间以及名义价值等内容。对于非金融机构参与者来说,则主要针对OTC合约进行相关内容的报告。这类报告必须在执行、修改或者结清的一个工作日内完成。 is an independent EU Authority that contributes to safeguarding the stability of the European Union's financial system by ensuring the integrity, transparency, efficiency and orderly functioning of securities markets, as well as enhancing investor protection. In particular, fosters supervisory convergence both amongst securities regulators, and across financial sectors by working closely with the other European Supervisory Authorities competent in the field of banking (EBA), and insurance and occupational pensions (EIOPA).'s work on securities legislation contributes to the development of a single rule book in Europe. This serves two purposes; firstly, it ensures the consistent treatment of investors across the Union, enabling an adequate level of protection of investors through effective regulation and super


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