在线速度课程锻炼平台 详细资料


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在线速度课程锻炼平台是一个帮助用户提高至少2倍的阅读速度和阅读能力的学习网站,这将为你在阅读文章、书籍、电子邮件和文件上节省大量的时间,提高你在工作、学习上的阅读能力。快速阅读方法主要是能够提高学习效率,我高考、考验、考公务员都是利用快速阅读方法制胜,希望你有机会能够学习。快速阅读研究的突破源于美国军方训练飞行员的试验结果,后经美国科学家们证明,经过训练的普通人可以在一分钟内快速阅读分辨12万个字母,可以说快速阅读训练是传统阅读的一种补充,一种飞跃,一种革命。什么是快速阅读呢?快速阅读是从文字读物中迅速提取有用信息的高效读书方法。充分开发快速阅读者扩大视觉感知能力和左右脑协调快速处理视觉信息的巨大潜能,以眼脑直映的信息全新处理方式取代传统阅读中大脑的视觉中枢,语言中枢,听觉中枢对文字信息处理的环节从而达到眼看脑记,眼脑同步的快速阅读法。I was running a movie rental business a few years ago and the owner asked me one day how we could improve the efficiency of the staff. Rather than sending everyone on a customer relations course my answer was to put them through a typing course. The point of the matter is that it's possible to achieve better results by improving on what you already have rather than taking on more. Legentas is an education application for schools, businesses and lecturers that will teach you how to read at least twice as fast as you do now. This increases productivity as well as looking good on your CV.The human brain normally processes about 500 words per minute when they are displayed separately but coherent texts can often only be read by untrained readers at speeds of only 200-250 words per minute. This is because human vision often skips on the rows while reading and the untrained reader is decelerated by too many of these skips. When you master speed reading you will be able to read coherent texts at a speed of 500+ words per minute. This means that if you read at least a couple of hours a day y


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