家庭DIY项目分享俱乐部 builtbykids.com 详细资料

家庭DIY项目分享俱乐部 builtbykids.com

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家庭DIY项目分享俱乐部是一个基于家庭自制各种生活用品和培养孩子动手能力的育儿教育的网站,旨在帮助父母如何为孩子DIY各种生活用品,例如手工制作一个玩具、儿童餐桌等等,同时也帮助父母如何教育自己的孩子多动手,学习各种技能。孩子以后的发展是根据他的生活环境来改变的,动手能力是需要慢慢培养的,为啥说穷人的孩子早当家呢?因为他们的动手能力比较强,而对于现在的生活,我们也需要培养孩子的自主能力,例如你在为孩子制作一个小餐桌,那么你就可以和孩子一起来做,在制作的过程中鼓励孩子多动手。我们相信,儿童的想象力是无穷的,他们对知识的渴求是贪得无厌。我们认为,教导孩子实际操作技能,并鼓励他们向他们的创造力,孩子变得更加自信,有能力和国际化。Built by Kids is created WITH, BY and FOR children. We celebrate the parents, families, caregivers and educators who value the power of creative development and are nostalgic for a time when weekends were set aside for building a fort or making models.We believe that a child’s imagination is endless and their thirst for knowledge is insatiable. We believe that by teaching children practical skills and encouraging them to submit to their creativity, children become more confident, capable and cosmopolitan.Built by Kids is a lifestyle website that was a 2012 Webby Award nominee in the Family/Parenting category. It is a site designed to keep families physically engaged while building their relationships and bonding over creative activities. Built by Kids proudly boasts that it is created "WITH, BY and FOR children" and firmly believes that "by teaching children practical skills and encouraging them to submit to their creativity, children become more confident, capable and cosmopolitan." As such, the site features several familial activity ideas conveniently categorized by age (from toddlers to teens) and skill level


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