社会化企业营销平台 lithium.com 详细资料

社会化企业营销平台 lithium.com

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社会化企业营销平台是一家帮助企业利用网上客户社区进行社会化营销、销售及支持的 SaaS 服务商,为企业提供互联网用户行为数据,提供企业产品的营销和网站转化率问题。平台可以为企业搭建消费者社区,然后利用自己对数据的深度分析来帮助客户实现“社区健康指数(CHI,一组 web 分析及社区参与度指标)”,该指数可以进行社区使用情况的详细分析,让企业了解谁是Zhui大的贡献者,哪些内容表现Zhui好,并能实时查看客户与品牌的关系。 实现整个分析及操作过程的流水化作业,能够自动创建 CHI 报告,并将其与额外服务一起捆绑销售,从而实现了这一有价值数据的货币化。 的知名客户包括 AT&T、英国电信、西班牙电信、家得宝、Best Buy、Indosat、Sephora、Skype 及 Telstra 等。create and manage amazing online customer communitiesTurn your website into a world-class social destination. Take complete control of community design and create an immersive customer experience that showcases your brand. provides the most advanced tools for building, moderating, and analyzing vibrant online communities.infuse conversations throughout your website helps you bring your static website alive with social conversations. Deploy Reviews and Q&A on your product pages to increase conversion rates and average order value. You can also draw customers into conversations by promoting Blog posts, Knowledge articles, hot Forum topics throughout your site.ensure conversations meet community guidelinesActive moderation helps you maintain a positive atmosphere without sacrificing authenticity. With Moderation Manager, you can enforce community guidelines, ban users, move content that is out of place, and filter posts that are offensive or inappropriate. Moderation Manager supports content filtering,


访问者分布(%) & 网站排名变化曲线
1  United States(21.7%)
2  India(15.2%)
3  United Kingdom(10.8%)
4  France(5.9%)
5  Germany(5.4%)

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网站常用标签 lithium technologies lithium klout lithium community klout perks

服务器信息 IP地址:
物理位置:美国 得克萨斯州圣安东尼奥市Rackspace Hosting公司

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