基于iOS的灵异图片编辑应用 camerahoax.com 详细资料

基于iOS的灵异图片编辑应用 camerahoax.com

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基于iOS的灵异图片编辑应用是一个虚拟的苹果手机应用工具,可以把手机拍摄的图片编辑为带有不明物体、外星人、恐怖幽灵、凶猛动物之类的特效图片,为每年的万圣节增添搞笑的氛围。相机应用内置了很多的模版,只需拍摄一张照片添加一个寻找真正可怕的贴纸即可完成,完成后你就可以通过手机分享给你的朋友们。Camera Hoax is a virtual special FX photo app which offers different prop item to be placed on an image. Theses items includes a variety of UFOs, aliens, scary ghosts, dinosaurs,creepy faces, ferocious animals and many more. The user interface of camera hoax is pretty neat and east to get around in no time. In order to start creating scary pictures either click a picture from the app or select one from the photo library, place one or more stickers available in the app onto you picture re size and rotate it to fit the image.You can even modify the picture sticker with various effects such as changing the color according to the background of the prop to make it look more real, increase or decrease the transparency, erasing parts of the prop and many other features that allow you to modify the props and make it even scarier. You will be amazed by the final results you will get once the editing is done even you might get scared with your own creations. Save the picture or share it on twitter or facebook and let people wonder if it is real or not.

内容提要:Camera Hoax. Creating ghosts, UFOs, Zombies, Aliens and other paranormal things. 2014-2016 Camera Hoax. All Rights Reserved. Home Created By Use...


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服务器信息 IP地址:

1 移动公共艺术文化网 stationtostation.com

2 问卷网 wenjuan.com

3 大搜车 souche.com

4 世界摩托车车型分享网 bikeglam.com

5 日本刀剑神域动漫官网 swordart-online.net

6 汽车爱好者分享社区 carsvibe.com

7 ArtistBox artistboxapp.com

8 Glipho glipho.com

9 在线网站换字体工具 typewonder.com

10 幻灯式真实话题语录 factslides.com

11 基于颜色筛选的音乐搜索网 colorhits.com

12 免费高清壁纸分享网 unsplash.com

13 在线多语言视频聚合网 viki.com

14 多贝网校通 wangxiaotong.com

15 手机音乐应用分享网 evolver.fm

16 在线混制个性DJ音乐工具 the.wubmachine.com

17 世界人口展示平台 7billionworld.com

18 基于浏览器的3D模型作品制作工具 tridiv.com

19 博凯阅读伴侣应用 booke.co

20 在线相机先测试后购买网 lumoid.com

21 在线神奇宝贝卡牌游戏平台 Pokemon.com

22 Sankaku复杂动画、漫画和游戏 Sankakucomplex.com

23 斯科特·亚当斯幽默漫画网 Dilbert.com

24 在线观看动漫英语配音字幕的剧集 Animefreak.tv

25 欢迎来到地球母亲在线 Gaiaonline.com

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