大卫列波维茨糕点美食博客网 davidlebovitz.com 详细资料

大卫列波维茨糕点美食博客网 davidlebovitz.com

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大卫列波维茨糕点美食博客网是美国的一位糕点设计师,以制作美味甜点而闻名。大卫列波维茨著作的书籍被翻译成多种语言,各种技能水平的面包师都可以掌握。大卫列波维茨为用户提供了一百七十多种美食制作秘方,包括蛋糕,馅饼,蛋挞,薯片,蛋羹,蛋奶酥,布丁,冰淇淋,冰冻果子露,果汁冰糕,饼干,糖果,甜点酱汁,水果蜜饯,甚至自制甜酒。大卫列波维茨经常在他的博客上发表他经常去的巴黎美食和餐厅建议。你喜欢吃冰淇淋吗?做冰淇淋的步骤并不少,可以说是一项大工程,但是厨师兼美食作者大卫列波维茨研发的冰淇淋食谱号称是全世界Zhui简单就能做出美味冰淇淋的方法。大卫列波维茨作为资深糕点师和厨师,客居巴黎撰写食评、编著食谱。I began working in restaurants at the age of sixteen, until I ended up at Chez Panisse in Berkeley, California, working with Alice Waters and co-owner, Executive Pastry Chef Lindsey Shere, who I consider my mentor. I spent nearly thirteen years in the kitchens at Chez Panisse before leaving in 1999.Having been a professional cook and baker most of my life, I launched my website in 1999 to coincide with the release of my first book, Room for Dessert. The site was intended as a place to share recipes and stories and in 2004, to coincide with my move to Paris, software which allowed me to post more frequently became available and I turned the site into an official blog.I was named one of the Top Five Pastry Chefs in the Bay Area by the San Francisco Chronicle and have been featured in, Bon Appétit, Chocolatier, Cooking Light, Food+Wine, Cook’s Illustrated, The Los Angeles Times, Newsweek, Travel and Leisure, The New York Times, People, Saveur, Sunset, and USA Today.I left the restaurant business in 1999 to pursue writing books and now live in Paris full time.


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