在线学生成绩管理平台 详细资料


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在线学生成绩管理平台是一个集课程、工具、教师、领导、管理员功能于一体的学生教学数据管理系统,基于云平台的模式,让教育者随时随地进行教学计划、评估、实时监控学生学习情况。Engrade系统简化了教育者的工作流程,提高了效率,在课堂上使老师们能够使用的多方位的教育资源,尽力改善每个学生的学习效果。Engrade unifies the data, curriculum and tools teachers, schools leaders and administrators use every day by integrating all of a district’s software and systems, including third-party applications and open education resources, into one fully secure and easy-to-use, cloud-based platform. The powerful single sign-on solution is deployed by districts across the nation to enhance communication, transition to common core, plan and evaluate curriculum, manage assessment and monitor student progress in real time.Educators love Engrade because it simplifies their workflow, increases efficiency in the classroom and empowers them to use the resources and strategies that work best to improve instruction and outcomes for each student. With Engrade, educators are able to connect the right content to the right student at the right time all in an effort to accelerate achievement, while also providing parents and students greater visibility into performance and progress.Engrade solves for critical issues in education like data accessibility, common core implementation and compliance reporting, as well as streamlines systems by consolidating critical information and resources at all levels – classroom, school and district. Through shared dashboards, all stakeholders can immediately access the information they need


访问者分布(%) & 网站排名变化曲线
1  United States(76.2%)
2  China(4.4%)
3  Canada(2.3%)
4  India(2.2%)
5  Venezuela(1.8%)

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