GitHub会员信息统计报告 详细资料


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GitHub会员信息统计报告是一个针对开源代码托管平台GitHub的会员贡献度数据统计分析网站,通过会员名称来搜索统计该会员的详细数据,例如开发的软件、受欢迎度、工作时间表等统计用户行为的报告。Every day, many thousands of open source contributions are made on GitHub by developers around the world. This data is publicly available through the API and—even more conveniently—on the GitHub Archive.This is generally a pretty fun dataset to play with but it is particularly exciting for hackers because we get to play with data that describes our own behavior! Last year, shortly after the full event stream was publicly released, the first annual GitHub data challenge produced some sick data visualizations and it's clear that people at GitHub have been thinking about how to Use The Data For Good™.The one graph that is especially awesome in all sorts of surprising ways is thecontributions heat map on every user's profile page. What sets this apart from the other visualizations that already exist on the site? It makes a general statement aboutone specific user.It lets a developer have a global view of their contributions, skills and habits. This ends up being extremely motivating because it lets the developer see their progress in real time. With this in mind, it seemed like a good idea to provide a more complete set of global statistics summarizing the hacker personality of any GitHub user.


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网站常用标签 open source report card open card osrc github card

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物理位置:美国 纽约大学

1 社会化主题互动社交平台

2 在线视频授课平台

3 在线音视频广播平台

4 女孩主题漫画创作网

5 免费在线漫画阅读网

6 免费动漫数据库论坛

7 MS动漫大冒险

8 至少我能做幻想连环画网

9 CC知识共享组织官网

10 创意灵感启示录

11 职场社交管理平台

12 创意LOGO收藏者分享网

13 商业创意营销平台

14 现代创意插画设计网

15 创意T恤购物平台

16 生活心情分析标注应用

17 ProcessOn绘图平台

18 在线PPT应用制作平台

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21 在线神奇宝贝卡牌游戏平台

22 Sankaku复杂动画、漫画和游戏

23 斯科特·亚当斯幽默漫画网

24 在线观看动漫英语配音字幕的剧集

25 欢迎来到地球母亲在线

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