职场社交管理平台 getworksimple.com 详细资料

职场社交管理平台 getworksimple.com

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职场社交管理平台是一款帮助用户管理自己职业生涯和职场表现的工具。用户可以被人关注、推荐,上面可以显示自己的职业目标和以往的职场成绩,用户可以建立一个专业的职业形象和树立职场社交领域的声誉。WorkSimple用户可以设置自己的职业重心,添加自己的职业目标和打造自己的职场声誉。此外,WorkSimple还可以通过目标分享以及和他人实时协作完成某项任务来营销自己。本质上来看,WorkSimple就是职场版的Facebook Timeline。WorkSimple鼓励用户设立自己的职业发展目标重心,以“社交目标”来帮助用户向自己的职业方向前行,还可以记录自己的成就、付出的努力和获得的成功,同时打造自己专业的职场形象。此外,你还可以获得合作者的回馈。不足之处是WorkSimple缺少传统的简历显示、作品样本等功能。对于技术感兴趣的职场人士可以用它建立自己的职业目标,并和同事保持同步。和其他同类平台一样,你可以添加图片。费用个人用户无需支付费用,团队或公司需要付费。WorkSimple began with a simple idea – what if there was a way to measure people on actual results and work. And Social Goals was born.We decided to create the industry’s first social performance platform based on actual work and social goals that happen throughout the workday. It would be designed for everyone, every employee, it would be easy to use, and would focus on communication, visibility, transparency, with a game changing user experience.We learned along the way that employees love social goals. They knew for the first time what was expected of them and what they could expect from the company. They could see what others are working on, and how their job role and goals impacted the greater objectives of theirs peers, team and company.Managers and employees used their goals as discussion guides on a weekly basis. Problems were getting solved, employee coaching and performance feedback was emerging, performance behaviors were discovered, and engagement was happening.Our vision and

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