美国WetPaint娱乐传媒有限公司 wetpaint.com 详细资料

美国WetPaint娱乐传媒有限公司 wetpaint.com

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美国WetPaint娱乐传媒有限公司美国一家传媒公司,使用专有的社会传媒Zhui新科技和技术知识驱使观众并实现观众货币化。该公司创建了一个顶级的传媒组合。Wetpaint娱乐因深入报道女性观众喜爱的电视和时尚节目,深受18到34岁的女性的欢迎。Wetpaint娱乐每个月吸引的绝对访客超过一千万,而页面浏览人数超过五千万。Wetpaint娱乐很快取得了成功,因为该公司具有竞争性的优势——迎合观众的创新科技。Wetpaint娱乐的专有实时科技不仅能够准确预测观众Zhui感兴趣的话题,还能够实现每一项内容包装和分配的优化,使脸谱网、推客网和移动装置上的用户也能够连接到Wetpaint娱乐。Wetpaint进入观众的视野是通过其Zhui初的网络社区平台——Wetpaint维基百科,一个非常好用的在线协作和发行网站,每月有一千万的独立用户。Wetpaint娱乐公司是由互联网的创始人本·埃洛维茨创建的,在美国西雅图和纽约都有办事处,并且受到了阿塞尔伙伴公司的大力支持。该公司背后的投资商有脸谱网和团购网。在过去两年里,Wetpaint娱乐公司研发了世界上Zhui先进的社会发行和分配科技和技术。该技术名为“Wetpaint社会分配系统”,它基于尖端的分析方法为观众提供准确、实时和不断更新的图片。该系统将实时数据引入内容创作和规划,彻底改变了发行商和观众之间的关系。Wetpaint is a technology platform company that uses its expertise in social media to build and monetize audiences. Wetpaint works with major media companies to implement the Wetpaint Social Distribution System, which optimizes content, timing and packaging of content to drive massive reach, engagement and monetizeable actions.The company’s vision is to power a portfolio of best-in-class media properties; the first, Wetpaint Entertainment, delights 18- to 34-year-old women with in-depth coverage of their favorite TV shows, stars and fashion. Wetpaint Entertainment attracts more than 15 million unique visitors monthly and has over 3 million Facebook fans.The rapid success of Wetpaint Entertainment is due to the company’s obsessive innovation around knowing its audience. This is made possible through the proprietary Wetpaint Social Distri


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1  United States(71.4%)
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3  United Kingdom(3.8%)
4  India(3.8%)
5  Japan(1.4%)

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