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霍山县苏家埠为六安西南大镇,出入大别山重要通道。土地革命时期,国民党在此集结重兵,为阻击和围攻红军的重要据点。民国21年春,国民党军队对鄂豫皖根据地进行第三次“围剿”,围攻麻埠、独山。徐向前率红四方面军主力由豫西东进迎击,采取围点打援战术,历时48天,取得苏家埠战役大捷。 镇东三拐地(今苏家埠中学门口)为当时庆功大会场所,立有“苏家埠战役旧址”纪念碑。碑高4.65米,记述该战役情况。镇东南朱家大院为红四方面军苏家埠战役总指挥部旧址,现辟为陈列馆,徐向前元帅为之题词。战役旧址为省级重点文物保护单位。
1 花峰 (730)
2 新四军东进泰州谈判纪念馆 (750)
3 圣母无原罪主教座堂 The Hong Kong Catholic Cathedral of The Immaculate Conception (811)
4 定园 (975)
5 秦坡涧 (764)
6 曾子庙 zengzimiao (776)
7 怀远楼 (1020)
8 天台山溶洞 (794)
9 黄庙 (832)
10 嘉陵江源头风景区 (925)
11 The Way It Was Museum The Way It Was Museum (795)
12 Parrish Pioneer Ranch Parrish Pioneer Ranch (760)
13 The BankUnited Center The BankUnited Center (734)
14 St. Mary in the Mountains Catholic Church St. Mary in the Mountains Catholic Church (817)
15 Mackay Mansion Mackay Mansion (789)
16 Holy Hill Holy Hill (750)
17 Museum of Ventura County - Agriculture Museum Museum of Ventura County - Agriculture Museum (771)
18 Lowe Art Museum Lowe Art Museum (814)
19 Quonset Air Museum Quonset Air Museum (789)
20 Cedar Grove Cemetery Cedar Grove Cemetery (806)
21 Fourth Ward School Museum Fourth Ward School Museum (796)
22 Alhambra Water Tower Alhambra Water Tower (836)
23 Santa Paula Art Museum Santa Paula Art Museum (773)
24 Comstock History Center Comstock History Center (791)
25 The Opelika Center for the Performing Arts The Opelika Center for the Performing Arts (751)