在瀑布路旁,掩映于茂林修竹丛中。民国25年夏,由黄郛及张静江、张啸林发起并集资建造。初名“莫干山讲经堂”,后改“莲社”、“黄庙”,为上山避暑者定期参禅、诵经之所。 黄庙有堂屋五楹,金黄色琉璃瓦屋顶,朱红屋檐,门窗雕八仙彩图,外墙饰半圆玻璃,结构宏敞,为一宫殿式建筑。今为娱乐场所。
1 嘉陵江源头风景区 (918)
2 The Way It Was Museum The Way It Was Museum (779)
3 Parrish Pioneer Ranch Parrish Pioneer Ranch (749)
4 The BankUnited Center The BankUnited Center (719)
5 St. Mary in the Mountains Catholic Church St. Mary in the Mountains Catholic Church (805)
6 Mackay Mansion Mackay Mansion (776)
7 Holy Hill Holy Hill (738)
8 Museum of Ventura County - Agriculture Museum Museum of Ventura County - Agriculture Museum (759)
9 Lowe Art Museum Lowe Art Museum (793)
10 Quonset Air Museum Quonset Air Museum (777)
11 Cedar Grove Cemetery Cedar Grove Cemetery (789)
12 Fourth Ward School Museum Fourth Ward School Museum (779)
13 Alhambra Water Tower Alhambra Water Tower (813)
14 Santa Paula Art Museum Santa Paula Art Museum (756)
15 Comstock History Center Comstock History Center (775)
16 The Opelika Center for the Performing Arts The Opelika Center for the Performing Arts (739)
17 The Washoe Club Haunted Museum The Washoe Club Haunted Museum (808)
18 Marshall Mint & Museum Marshall Mint & Museum (788)
19 Old Courthouse Museum Old Courthouse Museum (812)
20 Silver State National Peace Officers Museum Silver State National Peace Officers Museum (770)
21 Green Mountain Orchards Green Mountain Orchards (774)
22 Saints Peter & Paul Church Saints Peter & Paul Church (817)
23 Ute Mountain Tribal Park Ute Mountain Tribal Park (827)
25 Staunton State Park Staunton State Park (799)