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1 奥卡河船坞 The Oka River (763)
2 克拉斯诺亚尔斯克边疆区方志博物馆 Regional Studies Museum of Krasnoyarsk (869)
3 斯摩棱斯克克里姆林 Smolensk Kremlin (832)
4 摩尔曼斯克州地方志博物馆 Murmansk Regional Studies Museum of History and Naturethe (860)
5 耶稣圣诞大教堂 the Christ's birth Cathedral (781)
6 塔加奈国家公园 Taganay National Park in Chelyabinsk (852)
7 乌格利奇克里姆林 Uglich Kremlin (776)
8 库尔斯克战役博物馆 Kursk Battle Museum (846)
9 秋明圣三一修道院 Trinity Monastery in Tyumen (796)
10 卡拉斯纳雅大街 Krasnaya Street (776)
11 雅罗夫斯拉尔州军事博物馆 Museum of military glory in Yaroslavl (825)
12 克拉斯诺亚尔斯克文学博物馆 Literature museum in Krasnoyarsk (843)
13 杜勃罗留波夫纪念馆 N.A.Dobrolyubov State Literary-Memorial Museum (817)
14 彼尔姆歌剧芭蕾舞剧院 Perm Opera and Ballet Theatre (827)
15 圣母玛利亚诞生大教堂 Cathedral of the Nativity of the blessed virgin Mary (794)
16 秋明美术馆 Tyumen Museum of fine arts (762)
17 列宁号核动力破冰船 Museum "Nuclear icebreaker LENIN" (1175)
18 耶稣圣诞男修道院 monastery of the birth of Jesus in Vladimir (826)
19 托木斯克老剧院 Drama theatre in Tomsk region (887)
20 彼尔姆36号监狱 Perm 36 (946)
21 秋明州地方志博物馆 the Museum complex named after I. Y. Slovtsov (819)
22 先知伊利亚教堂 The Church Of Elijah The Prophet in Yaroslavl (880)
23 托木斯克老街 Krasnoarmeyskaya street in Tomsk (869)
24 赤塔喀山圣母圣像教堂 The Cathedral of Kazan Icon of Mother of God in Chita (901)
25 亚历山大涅夫斯基雕像 the statue of Alexander Nevsky (825)