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1 耶稣圣诞男修道院 monastery of the birth of Jesus in Vladimir (826)
2 托木斯克老剧院 Drama theatre in Tomsk region (887)
3 彼尔姆36号监狱 Perm 36 (946)
4 秋明州地方志博物馆 the Museum complex named after I. Y. Slovtsov (819)
5 先知伊利亚教堂 The Church Of Elijah The Prophet in Yaroslavl (879)
6 托木斯克老街 Krasnoarmeyskaya street in Tomsk (868)
7 赤塔喀山圣母圣像教堂 The Cathedral of Kazan Icon of Mother of God in Chita (901)
8 亚历山大涅夫斯基雕像 the statue of Alexander Nevsky (825)
9 弗拉基米尔历史博物馆 the History Museum in Vladimir (874)
10 赤塔州自然与历史博物馆 A. Kusnetcov Regional Museum of Local History and Nature (881)
11 鄂木斯克州陀思妥耶夫斯基文学博物馆 Omsk state literary Museum named after F. M. Dostoevsky (854)
12 罗斯托夫州美术馆 Rostov Regional Fine Arts Museum (895)
13 维堡城堡 Vyborg Castle (879)
14 圣乔治教堂 Saint George Cathedral in Vladimir (839)
15 鄂木斯克州军事博物馆 Museum complex of military glory in Omsk (907)
16 索契奥林匹克公园 Sochi Olympic Park (911)
17 远东地区博物馆 Far East Regional Museum (963)
19 圣彼得和圣保罗大教堂 The Cathedral of Peter and Paul in Kazan (853)
20 水塔 Water tower in Vladimir (916)
21 亚罗斯拉夫尔火车站 the railway station of Yaroslav (969)
22 高尔基童年故居 A.M.Gorkiy Childhood Museum (859)
23 阿穆尔地区军事博物馆 The Museum of military glory sailors Amurzet (886)
24 鞑靼斯坦共和国美术馆 State Museum of fine arts of the Republic of Tatarstan (847)
25 圣三一教堂 Trinity Church (914)