网页设计灵感分享网 endtheecho.com 详细资料

网页设计灵感分享网 endtheecho.com

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网站是一个旨在激励设计师提高设计灵感的站点,当你看到很多网站都是大同小异,固定的模块化设计,标志、菜单、内容等等,如果你只看这些设计模版不会找到任何设计灵感,然而该网站提供的是与之相反的内容,让你找到久违的设计灵感。When I was at university we were given a project to design and animate some TV idents (the five second bits in between TV shows that say "BBC 1", "HBO" or whatever). One tutor advised us to turn a TV on and see what was currently being produced. The other tutor advised us to stay away from the TV, to intentionally avoid it.One tutor wanted us to see what an ident should do and what the latest trends were. The other dreamed that we might create something outside what had been done before.My dream is the same as the second tutor. And my hope is that End The Echo might help.

内容提要:Use this series to inspire your next web project. Things to think about: colour, texture, size, shape, detail, space, ...


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网站常用标签 the echo web design inspiration dunlop green flash design inspiration

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1 免费自然音效分享网 naturesoundsfor.me

2 在线自然风景舒缓音乐网 loungev.com

3 在线放松心情音乐网 getrelaxed.com

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6 旅游日记图库素材网 travelcoffeebook.com

7 家庭手工分享博客 easypeasyandfun.com

8 百日界面设计展示网 100daysui.com

9 免费素材资源下载网 freebbble.com

10 个人信息网络清除工具 forget.me

11 作业狗智能搜题应用 zuoyegou.com

12 阿波罗海外留学好助手 abroadapp.cn

13 TeachMeAnatomy teachmeanatomy.info

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19 在线歌曲乐谱提取网 chordify.net

20 基于地理位置餐馆推荐网 offtheroost.com

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22 Sankaku复杂动画、漫画和游戏 Sankakucomplex.com

23 斯科特·亚当斯幽默漫画网 Dilbert.com

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25 欢迎来到地球母亲在线 Gaiaonline.com

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