免费开源文本API编辑器工具 quilljs.com 详细资料

免费开源文本API编辑器工具 quilljs.com

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免费开源文本API编辑器工具是一个可以帮助开发人员解决所见即所得的编辑器工具,该编辑器旨在通过自身的编辑模块提供强大的API来构建自定义式的编辑器,Zhui重要的是它没有规定样式,你可以自定义自己的编辑器以符合自己的使用需求。是一个轻量级的开源编辑器,拥有良好的可扩展构架和表现力出色的API接口,标准化的HTML规则,支持浏览器有Firefox、Safari和IE9+、Chorme等浏览器。 was built to address the problem that existing WYSIWYG editors are themselves WYSIWYG. If the editor was not exactly the way you want it, it was difficult or impossible to customize it to fit your needs. aims to solve this by organizing itself into modules and offering a powerful API to build additional modules. It also imposes no styles (though reasonable defaults are available) to allow you to skin the editor however you wish. also provides all of what you’ve come to expect from a rich text editor, including a lightweight package, numerous formattingoptions, and wide cross platform support.


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1  India(16.1%)
2  Japan(14.4%)
3  United States(11.4%)
4  France(7.7%)
5  United Kingdom(3.9%)

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网站常用标签 quill javascript text editor javascript rich text editor web text editor

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