在线图形设计众包平台 详细资料


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在线图形设计众包平台是一个基于图形设计服务和设计外包的众包平台,可以帮助设计人员利用其他时间赚取外快的地方,同时也帮助企业用户用Zhui短的时间获取Zhui佳的设计方案。众包平台对用户已经不陌生了,这个平面设计平台可以帮助你找到标志设计、网页设计等任何类型的图形设计方案,平台的平面设计师来自于世界各地,让你可以与世界各地的设计师们进行沟通和协作。目前该平台已经入驻百名设计师,并不断增加中。 is an online platform that allows Businesses / Customers that have specific design needs such as logo design, web design or any type of graphic design to run Design Contests and get the option to choose from designs submitted by designers from all over the world within a very short space of time. is fast emerging as the most prominent platform for outsourcing of design work to graphic designers from across the world. The site is a common marketplace that provides great goals to businesses and designers to not only contact each other but also share ideas to create great looking quality designs.Therefore, an interaction between the businesses and the designers results in high quality compelling designs whether they are business & corporate designs or, graphic & print designs or even and website & mobile designs. The site provides a great platform for designers to hone their skills, besides availing a huge number of business opportunities from all around the world.


访问者分布(%) & 网站排名变化曲线
1  India(30.0%)
2  Pakistan(22.9%)
3  United States(15.6%)
4  Indonesia(2.8%)
5  Sweden(2.0%)

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网站常用标签 design hills design hill logo store designhill ready made logos

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物理位置:美国 华盛顿州西雅图市亚马逊(Amazon)公司数据中心
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