在线儿童3D社交平台 详细资料


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在线儿童3D社交平台是一个致力于5岁到12岁儿童在线玩游戏、结交朋友,收集宠物的在线虚拟3D游戏网站,帮助孩子们学习各种知识,鼓励他们用于创新,拓展想象力,激发好奇心。构建了一个社会化的有趣的3D虚拟网络环境,让孩子们参与各种小任务和活动,孩子们可以自定义头像,买食物,养宠物,装饰家园,与朋友互动等。In Pora Ora, we have created an engaging world for children in the primary school age range (5 - 13), which presents educational content in a compelling and immersive way. We have constructed a fun, social and safe 3D environment where children are rewarded for participating in educational mini-games and quests. Rewards take the form of in-game currency which allows children to customise their avatar, buy food for their Pora Pal, decorate their home and garden, buy gifts to send to their friends and much more.All games are currently mapped directly to the UK national curriculum and content is intelligently adjusted to challenge each and every child. We encourage a rounded educational profile in the child by making appropriate recommendations and suggestions as to which games they should play next. And, by linking to the curriculum, we can provide detailed progress reports to parents and teachers - outlining the child's strengths and weaknesses against national expectations. We will also be rolling out regional curriculum content in the coming months, to cover our ever-widening global community.As well as educational games, there is a full set of social features for children to enjoy in Pora Ora. They can make friends, send mails and gifts, visit and rate each other's homes and compete in


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8 基于兴趣的用户社交应用

9 场地通校园场地租赁平台

10 在线远程视频现场协助应用

11 在线智能适应学习平台

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18 ジモティー 無料の広告掲示板

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21 在线神奇宝贝卡牌游戏平台

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24 在线观看动漫英语配音字幕的剧集

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