免费图片摄影素材库 pics4learning.com 详细资料

免费图片摄影素材库 pics4learning.com

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免费图片摄影素材库是一个成立于1995年了免费摄影图片素材资源分享网站,只要提供给教师和学生使用,帮助教师们使用可以教授学生识别各种事物的免费图片资源网站。对于老师来说寻找合适的大自然照片、人物、动物、建筑等图片是多媒体课程必备的素材下载网站,该网站上的所有资源都可以应用于任何教育环境中去,免去教师们寻找免费图片素材的烦恼。 平台的图片素材都是源自于世界各地的摄影师捐赠的,他们慷慨的允许其他人使用他们的的作品,国外是一个注重版权的地方任何私人的摄影作品都是有其版权的,任何人不得随意使用他们的作品,只有原作者授权他们人使用才行。目前该网站已经收录了7000-28000张图片素材,每月都有上百万的访问量,极大的帮助教师们寻找合适的图片素材来丰富他们的多媒体课程,帮助孩子们认识更多的事物。 is a safe, free image library for education. Teachers and students can use the copyright-friendly photos and images for classrooms, multimedia projects, web sites, videos, portfolios, or any other project in an educational setting.Photographers from around the world donate images to this collection. While the photographers retain the rights to these photos, they have graciously allowed their use through this collection.The thousands of donated photos are approved for use in the classroom, indexed, and sorted in order to maximize their effective use by students in a 21st century classroom.In 1995, the members of Educational Design Studio were looking for a few free use images for a project and were amazed to find so little available for teachers and students in the way of free photographic images. Knowing that they all had thousands of photos sitting in photo albums at home, they wondered if people would be willing to contribute their images for educational non-profit purposes and the PhotoShare Image Library was born.Originally distributed on CD-ROM, PhotoShare was g


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