互助式谷歌网络代理平台 uproxy.org 详细资料

互助式谷歌网络代理平台 uproxy.org

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互助式谷歌网络代理平台是一个旨在帮助用户绕过网络审查,自由访问互联网的新工具,该软件的工作原理是,通过将两个用户以加密的形式连接起来,构成一个虚拟网络,Zhui终绕开审查。项目由华盛顿大学和非功利组织Brave New Software研发,由谷歌提供资金资助,目前还在测试阶段,初期将仅支持谷歌Chrome、火狐Firefox,不支持微软Internet Explorer。uProxy并不是像Tor那样的匿名代理,它不会允许文件共享,不提供加密连接,它将是一个开放源代码的项目。uProxy is currently in restricted beta. We are inviting a small number of trusted testers with a strong technical background to help make uProxy as secure, private, and robust as we can before launching a public version.What is uProxy?uProxy is a browser extension that lets users share alternative more secure routes to the Internet. It's like a personalised VPN service that you set up for yourself and your friends. uProxy helps users protect each other from third parties who may try to watch, block, or redirect users’ Internet connections.What does uProxy do and why would I want to use it?You might not realise it, but every time you connect to a website, your information takes many steps. For example it may travel from your computer to a Wi-Fi hotspot, to an Internet service provider, then on to an international gateway before arriving at the site. This journey matters because it is at each step that the connection may be blocked, surveilled or misdirected.uProxy lets you provide a pathway for trusted friends to get safer, more private and more reliable access. You give access to a friend by email or chat (you can use any chat network). By accessing the Internet through uProxy, a friend's Int



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物理位置:美国 华盛顿州西雅图市亚马逊(Amazon)公司数据中心

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