企业员工移民管理平台 详细资料


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企业员工移民管理平台是一个帮助企业针对跨过员工移民业务办理的文档整理服务平台,Teleborder的软件可以自动化完成以前需要移民律师才能完成的工作。比如,收集文档、采集信息,以及将信息发给政府。帮助企业大大的减少的服务流程。移民现在对于很多公司来说,都是一个令人非常头疼的问题。如果你的公司不是像甲骨文或Google那样的大型公司,那么如果想给某个员工办签证的话,那个过程绝对非常耗时和困难。Teleborder开发了一款软件可以帮助企业简化整个过程。Teleborder is the story of our lives. Our founders met in Jakarta, Indonesia and moved to the United States to work together. Members of our team have lived in Australia, Indonesia, Qatar, Belgium, the United Kingdom, and Dubai. We are experts in software development, IT security, and law.Teleborder is a complete HR management system for immigration. Sign up to create an account for your company, then invite your non-US employees to your dashboard. We will analyze their visa options, and and you can start visa applications for them from your dashboard with one click. For employees already on a visa, we track their expiration date and alert you in due time so you never miss a renewal.Once you've created an application, we'll take care of collecting all of the necessary information from your company and your applicant to process their visa. We also prepare the immigration papers, file them with the government, and track the status of each application. You can view and manage all of this through your dashboard. We charge a flat fee per application. Everything else is free.Under the hood, our service is powered by advanced software that we wrote to help automate and scale the immigration process. We also assign you a dedic


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网站常用标签 teleborder teleborder inc

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