在线云绘图制作平台 详细资料


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在线云绘图制作平台是一个在线编辑器工具,用户可以快速、自由的创建简单的图标,流程图、网页模版构架图、框架图等等,无需在电脑上安装任何软件,直接打开浏览器就可以快速创建想要的效果图。支持中文界面,支持PC浏览器使用,也支持平板电脑上使用,它是一个在线的图表应用程序,使用的mxGraph的JavaScript库构建,具有全方位可视化操作配置,以及网络应用功能,例如全方位的出口选择,收集了大量的图标,实时协作和嵌入式部件共享;是设计师、网页设计师等用户的Zhui佳工具之一。 is an online diagramming application built using the ,mxGraph javaScript library。 is an online diagramming application built for speed, reliability and simplicity. It features the full range of visual configuration you expect, as well as web application features such as a full range of export options, a large collection of icons, real-time collaboration and embedded widget sharing. optionally integrates fully with Google Drive to use your existing Google account cloud storage. There's also a plugin for confluence®, with source code. There's a GWT wrapper with a recreation of entirely in GWT. is integrated with Google Apps for Business. is free to license any number of users in any environment and benefits from a community support portal. For organizations requiring enterprise grade support, JGraph Ltd has 9 years experience supporting some of the world's largest technical companies and offers a range of specific Service Level Agreement annual maintenance options.

内容提要 is free online diagram software for making flowcharts, process diagrams, org charts, UML, ER and network diagrams...


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1  United States(14.5%)
2  India(10.8%)
3  Japan(7.6%)
4  Mexico(4.7%)
5  Brazil(4.2%)

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网站常用标签 flowchart maker draw io draw visio online

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