Japanese Woodblock Print Search ukiyo-e.org 详细资料

Japanese Woodblock Print Search ukiyo-e.org

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Japanese Woodblock Print Search


日本浮世绘风俗画检索库是有John Resig创办,一个风俗画狂热爱好者;他通过各种方式寻找了很多的类似印花品,通过电脑收集起来展示为世人。浮世绘,也就是日本的风俗画,版画。它是日本江户时代(1603~1867年间,也叫德川幕府时代)兴起的一种独特民族特色的艺术奇葩,是典型的花街柳巷艺术。主要描绘人们日常生活、风景、和演剧。浮世绘常被认为专指彩色印刷的木版画(日语称为锦绘),但事实上也有手绘的作品。在亚洲和世界艺术中,它呈现出特异的色调与丰姿,历经三百余年,影响深及欧亚各地,十九世纪欧洲从古典主义到印象主义诸流派大师也无不受到此种画风的启发,因此.浮世绘具有很高的艺术价值。浮世绘搜索提供了一个可以交流和分享的平台,可以让用户上传和下载所有的资源,只需通过上传的图片或者一个图片链接即可存放到在线服务器上,用户可以也获得高清图片打印下载。Ukiyo-e Search provides an incredible resource: The ability to both search for Japanese woodblock prints by simply taking a picture of an existing print AND the ability to see similar prints across multiple collections of prints. Below is an example print, click to see it in action.This site is simply demonstration of what is possible using some of the data from a few museum collections. Better data, hundreds of thousands of additional images, and better search capabilities are forthcoming. Sign-up to be notified when additional features are ready.Ukiyo-e Search was created by John Resig, a computer programmer and avid enthusiast of Japanese woodblock prints.In his personal research he saw a need for a tool that did not exist: some way of easily finding similar prints across multiple collections simultaneously. Additionally, some way of finding prints simply by uploading a picture of a print seemed like an especially critical tool for researchers and collectors alike.A ton of work has gone into making this search engine as easy to use as possible, for example: Artist names have bee

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