英国现在杂志官网 nowmagazine.co.uk 详细资料

英国现在杂志官网 nowmagazine.co.uk

英国(90588)   点击(1684)   全球排名(1839296)  百度评分: 


英国现在杂志官网是英国著名的名人杂志之一,报道名人新闻和小道消息、明星秘密与丑闻、时装、美容、好莱坞魅力、每日名人星相、食谱等。NOW is a British weekly entertainment magazine.It is a weekly magazine in the UK, with a regular circulation of 384,356.[1] It is a mix of celebrity news, gossip and fashion and is primarily aimed at women. It also features movie and music reviews, real life stories, shopping and style feature together with major celebrity interviews.NOW was launched in late 1996 as a less serious, more gossip-oriented magazine aimed at women. A series of high-profile celebrity relationships, such as between David and Victoria Beckham, and Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt provided ample material, while reality shows such as Big Brother and Pop Idol grew popular at just the right time to help fill pages.


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1  United Kingdom(89.8%)

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