海上疯人院创业平台 unreasonableatsea.com 详细资料

海上疯人院创业平台 unreasonableatsea.com

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海上疯人院创业平台由Unreasonable Institute(不理智学院)发起的 Unreasonable at Sea一个海上孵化器,这艘装载着 11 个创业项目和 20 多位创业导师的大船从圣地亚哥起航,途径14个国家的15个港口。Unreasonable at Sea在各个港口停留的途中,各项目会快速学习如何在当地市场进行业务扩张,以求可以在国际化道路上快速成长。这家“海上疯人院”从来自 80 多个国家的 400 份申请中挑出了 11 个团队,总共有 25 个人。其中一些已经很成熟并开始盈利。A radical experiment in global entrepreneurship to combat the greatest challenges of our time.20 Mentors. 100 days. 1 ship. 13 countries. 11 ventures. 1 belief that entrepreneurship will change the world.In a world where communication technologies are nearly ubiquitous, where innovations in healthcare have doubled life-expectancy in just a century, and where dictatorships are being toppled by bottom-up revolutions propelled by social networks, it is hard not to be an optimist. That said, at Unreasonable, although we are optimistic about these trends, we consider ourselves “impatient optimists”. We are guided by a belief that although technology is rapidly solving some of the greatest challenges of our time, it’s not doing so fast enough and its benefits have yet to reach the most marginalized amongst us. Even with amazing advances in inclusive technologies, 2 billion people still live on less than $2 a day, another billion don’t have access to clean drinking water, and climate change is accelerating at exponential speeds. It’s our optimistic belief that entrepreneurs leveraging technology will help solve these grand challenges and it is our i


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