社会化B2B宣传营销平台 influitive.com 详细资料

社会化B2B宣传营销平台 influitive.com

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社会化B2B宣传营销平台是一家总部位于加拿大多伦多的B2B宣传营销公司,该公司推出的社会化宣传营销平台AdvocateHub允许企业用户通过创建Web门户利用和调动诸如客户支持者、传播者和粉丝等现有资源进行推广。通过AdvocateHub,企业用户可以要求品牌支持者回答问题、填写问卷调查或者将推广活动信息在自己的社交网站上进行分享,之后满足条件的用户将获得相应奖励。通过向粉丝提供游戏般的卓越体验,可以让品牌推广活动同时获得质与量的提高。AdvocateHub希望能够让拥护者与品牌建立起一种更深层次的关系,并帮助企业客户通过公众传播力获得口碑与影响度。Organ称,通过对社会化营销“游戏化”,不光广告商会因此获得口碑相传,品牌粉丝还将获得诸如免费服务体验机会等奖励。What if you could capture and promote the enthusiasm that your best customers – your fans, your evangelists, your advocates – have for you and your product?Your customer advocates are the most powerful people to speak for you, share their experiences, and explain the benefits of selecting you.But how do you motivate them to work with you? How can you make the experience much more meaningful than simply agreeing to a case study, referring you, or agreeing to provide a reference?That’s the secret behind AdvocateHub. The AdvocateHub is built around the needs of your advocates first and foremost. Our idea is simple: provide a better experience for your advocates, and they will increase their activity. Your advocate army, fully mobilized, is the most effective asset you have for getting your prospective customers to buy faster.We believe that the future belongs to companies that generate and mobilize their advocates. I look forward to working with you to make this vision a reality.


访问者分布(%) & 网站排名变化曲线
1  United States(46.8%)
2  Canada(10.3%)
3  India(9.1%)
4  United Kingdom(7.5%)
5  Nigeria(3.3%)

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网站常用标签 advocatehub advocacy marketing b2b referral program

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