TinyPic tinypic.com 详细资料

TinyPic tinypic.com

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免费图片存储分享平台是一个提供免费的图片视频存储以及分享的服务网站,不用注册即可上传,完全支持外链,使用方便,图片格式支持jpg、png、gif和bmp,除了图片,还允许上传视频和音乐,限100M大小以内。无需要注册就可以上传图片,支持批量上传。提供了丰富的图片处理功能,相册容量没有作出具体的限制。外链流量也没有限制。只提供英文界面。对于Chrome浏览器支持不好。Tinypic® is a fast, simple and reliable video and image hosting site that you can use to share your experiences. There is no registration or log-in required, simply submit your picture or video. That makes it the perfect site for linking to MySpace.com®, eBay®, Orkut scrapbooks, message boards, forums, blogs, journals, e-mail, IM, and other websites.Best of all: it's FREE!How it works is you upload your video or image and we provide you with a simple URL (e.g. http:///1) that is guaranteed to be unique. It will point to your, and only your, video or image. You can then copy and paste the link that we provide to share your pictures on your favorite sites all without having to upload your image or video all over again. That's it.


访问者分布(%) & 网站排名变化曲线
1  United States(15.6%)
2  India(11.8%)
3  Italy(5.2%)
4  Spain(4.6%)
5  Brazil(4.2%)

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网站常用标签 tinypic upload image image upload image hosting subir imagenes

服务器信息 IP地址:
物理位置:美国 科罗拉多州丹佛Photobucket.com
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