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最好PSD素材免费下载分享网 bestpsdfreebies.com

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Zhui好PSD素材免费下载分享网是一个提供免费的PSD素材下载的网站,致力于优秀的素材收录和分享,为设计师们提供高质量的免费素材下载。该网站的创办者是Michael Reimer,由于该站长的默默收录和分享,该网站拥有了大量的高质量素材,作者是个设计师,因为他爱设计,在工作之余把素材分享也作为了自己工作的一部分,分享快乐,快乐分享!帮助自己的同时也为更多的设计师们带来更多的便利。下面是作者建站的初衷:My name is Michael Reimer, but you can call me Reimtime. That is the name I use for hockey and now in the design world. I started out as a web developer a few years ago and discovered my love for graphic design. Coding is good and all… but designing a good user interface is so much more engaging.I decided to head back to school and take a Graphic Design course. Ever since then I have loved dabbling in Photoshop, Illustrator, and other design platforms. I got a great job at YasTech Developments in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, as a graphic designer and really got in the zone. I wanted to start my own portfolio website, but then got an idea to take it even further. That’s when I came up with the idea for Best PSD Freebies. I wanted to share all my design goodness with everyone and also learn more by getting involved in the design community. So on March 1, 2011 I launched this website and it has been a wonderful experience so far.Currently, I am enjoying working on client work for YasTech Developments while creating freebies on the side. In early May I will be releasing my first Premium WordPress Theme, which will be one of many. When I am not doing client work, designing slick freebies, or coming up with a crazy awesome Word


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