美国残废退伍军人组织 dav.org 详细资料

美国残废退伍军人组织 dav.org

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美国残废退伍军人组织(Disabled American Veterans)是美国退伍军人残疾人士组成的非营利性组织,旨在帮助在战争中致残的退伍军人及家人重建生活,网站包括组织的工作和进展、提供志愿服务机会、善款捐助与军事相关事件和新闻。据美联社报道,高达45%的新退役军人都说在服役期间受伤,寻求补偿。政府高级官员说,那比1990年代海湾战争之后的伤残申请比例21%高出一倍还多。此外,这些新退役军人平均每人报告八、九种伤病,而Zhui近一批(去年)退役军人更是多达11~14种伤病。相比之下,目前接受补偿的越战退役军人平均每人伤病少于4种,而朝鲜战争和二次世界大战退役军人只有两种伤病。有某种伤残但仍能工作的退役军人由于失业或者找不到工作,更有可能申请伤残救济。新退役军人寻求伤残救济的水平远远超过政府预料,而且政府一时没有安排特殊资金救助他们。美国退役军人事务部的救助申请大量积压,堆积如山。 is the most long-lasting veterans advocacy and assistance group in this country. We’ve watched this country change and grow, and we’ve grown along with it. However, has never wavered in its core mission to fulfill our country’s promises to the men and women who served. We invite everyone, veterans and civilian, men and women, young and old, to join us as we stand up for those veterans who risked it all when they stood up for us, our country, and our ideals.

Support organization for veterans, providing a nationwide network of services, free of charge to all veterans and members of their families. Provides details of the organization, its activities and the services it offers.


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1  United States(95.7%)

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