旧金山亚洲艺术博物馆 asianart.org 详细资料

旧金山亚洲艺术博物馆 asianart.org

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旧金山亚洲艺术博物馆是一座以收藏亚洲文物尤其是中国文物为主的博物馆。这里收藏有来自中国、日本、朝鲜、印度尼西亚等亚洲国家和地区的各类艺术珍品15000多件.在亚洲以外的博物馆中,该博物馆是专门收藏亚洲艺术品博物馆中规模Zhui大、藏品Zhui多的。1959年,芝加哥大实业家布兰德治同意将其收藏的部分中国古代艺术品捐赠旧金山,其条件是,旧金山必须建立一个新博物馆来收藏和展览这些艺术品。旧金山亚洲艺术博物馆的宗旨,并非限于收藏和展览,其另一重要宗旨,在于介绍和普及东方文化。博物馆辟有自己的图书馆,且常年举办各种东方文化知识讲座、示范教学和组织学生参加博物馆活动。积极参与社会生活的态度,使该博物馆赢得更多的支持者和赞助者。At the Asian Art Museum, artistic and educational programs empower visitors to discover the relevance of great artworks in profoundly personal ways. Immersed in our galleries, visitors ponder the universal values found in human expression. Through the bustle of daily programs, students of the world steep in cultures through art, music, dance, and tradition. In the clamor of our classrooms, children build bridges to old and new worlds.

One of the largest museums in the Western world devoted to the arts and cultures of Asia. The permanent collections represent over 40 Asian countries spanning 6,000 years of history. Located in California.


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