印度国家档案馆 nationalarchives.nic.in 详细资料

印度国家档案馆 nationalarchives.nic.in

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印度国家档案馆是印度官网文化管理机构,负责接收和保管印度历史档案及中央政府各机关的档案,并对中央政府机关的文书工作和档案工作进行监督。印度中央级综合性档案馆,负责接收和保管印度历史档案及中央政府各机关的档案,并对中央政府机关的文书工作和档案工作进行监督。1947年成立,前身是1891年建立的帝国档案部。馆址在新德里。是亚洲地区规模较大的档案馆之一。印度国家档案馆担负了档案管理机构的一些职能,但无权对各邦档案工作施加影响。历史档案委员会与国家档案馆密切合作,在一定程度上弥补了不设档案管理机构的缺陷。国家档案馆馆长担任历史档案委员会的秘书,因而可通过历史档案委员会对各邦的档案工作施加某种程度的影响。印度历史档案委员会也聘请外国学者担任它的通讯委员。五十年代,我国著名历史学家尚钺和档案学家吴宝康曾受聘担任它的通讯委员。The genesis of the National Archives of India may be traced back to the year 1860 when Sandeman, the Civil Auditor, in his report stressed the need of relieving the offices of congestion by destruction of the papers of routine nature and transfer of all valuable records to a ‘Grand Central Archive’. Nothing could come out, however, in concrete shape until 1889 when Professor G.W. Forrest of Elphinstone College, Bombay was entrusted the job to examine the records of the Foreign Department of the Government of India.Earlier he had earned reputation as an Archivist for his work in the Bombay Records Office. In his report, he made a strong plea for transferring all records of the administration of East India Company to a Central Repository.As a result, Imperial Records Department (IRD) came into existence on 11 March 1891 which was located in Imperial Secretariat Building at Calcutta (Kolkata). Professor G.W Forrest was made its Officer in Charge. His main task was to examine, transfer, arrange and catalogue records of all the Departments and to organise a Central Library in p

Repository of all non-current records of the Government of India, held in trust for the use of administrators and scholars. Regular series date from 1748 to the near present, thought the collection includes some older documents as well. Included are public records, manuscripts and private papers in English, Arabic, Hindi, Persian, Sanskrit, Modi, Urdu and other languages.


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