坑公牛攻击-危险狗攻击的受害者 dogsbite.org 详细资料

坑公牛攻击-危险狗攻击的受害者 dogsbite.org

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DogsBite.org is a national dog bite victims group dedicated to reducing serious dog attacks. Through our work, we hope to protect both people and pets from future attacks. Our website, www.dogsbite.org, was launched in October 2007 and contains a wide collection of data to help policymakers and citizens learn about dangerous dogs. Our research focuses on pit bull type dogs. Due to selective breeding practices that emphasize aggression and tenacity, this class of dogs negatively impacts communities the most. Our website hosts important dog bite studies, U.S. dog bite fatalities and other key bibliographies. In the Legislating Dogs portion of our site, we offer examples of breed-specific laws (state-by-state) and documentation of the constitutionality of these laws. The Victim Realities section provides a glance into the unforgettable stories victims leave behind and much more. Research contributions and active website participation stems from individuals that span the United States of
内容提要:Learn about victims of severe pit bull attacks and other dangerous dog breeds, dog bite victim injuries, fatality statistics and breed-specific pit bull ...


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1  United States(67.8%)
2  Canada(9.1%)

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网站常用标签 pit bull attacks dog bite statistics pitbull dog dog attacks by breed pitbull attacks

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