在线汽车维修问答平台 详细资料


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在线汽车维修问答平台是一个致力于汽车问答和汽车维修的平台,有专业的汽车维修团队于1999年创办,旨在帮助汽车爱好者和维修师们了解汽车,如何去节省资金来完成汽车的维修问题,在线解答车友们的疑问。对于新买的汽车用户来说,很多问题都是需要咨询老司机或者购车人员,但是他们的技术你能够保证权威吗?当你的爱车有这样那样的故障的时候,你是相信4S的维修人员还是相信路边上的维修店主,显然在这样一个只为赚钱不为服务的汽车维修行业来说,自己了解维修的流程很重要,别总是花那么多冤枉钱,看新闻的时候我们都会有了解有关于汽车行业的很多问题。就是专业一个由众多维修人士组建的平台,帮助车主和维修人员解答他们的疑问,让车主省钱并且明白修车的每一个细节,让维修人员能够快速的处理汽车的故障,希望国内也能有一个这样的汽车维修平台出现。 汽车问答平台除了可以在线提问外,还提供很多比较实用的汽车维修视频,让你在线观看汽车维修的国产,没一个细节,专业的讲解。 Purpose: To save people time and money. Empower consumers with non-biased knowledge necessary to demand high quality, fairly priced services. We also educate the D-I-Y community on how to solve problems for themselves. We feature repair troubleshooting, how does it work, service instructions and much more. Bob and Ken, are a father and son team of master car repair technicians with more than 35 years of experience in the automotive repair and computer diagnostic fields. Highly skilled in mechanical theory Bob and Ken exhibit an extraordinary talent in problem solving. .com was created in 1999 and has grown to be one of the webs best resources for free car repair questions, answers and repair information.Car Question API: User submitted questions are answered by an expanding number of professional repair technicians. This service is meeting the needs of millions of consumers by answering thousands of free car repair questions a month while adding to a database featuring answers to over a half a

Welcome to, your car repair information portal. Bob and Ken and their team of auto repair specialists have answered your car repair questions online since 1999. Our mission is to provide you with information that can help you solve your car problem quickly and inexpensively. Our online database contains thousands of previously answered car repair questions.


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1  United States(62.3%)
2  Canada(6.3%)
3  United Kingdom(2.3%)
4  Australia(1.6%)

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