WEB设计开发杂志博客 smashingmagazine.com 详细资料

WEB设计开发杂志博客 smashingmagazine.com

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WEB设计开发杂志博客是一个web技术类的博客杂志站点,该站点创建于2006年九月份,主要是为Web设计师和开发人员提供有用的创新性的信息。Smashing Magazine是一个专门收集各类优秀英文网站的站点,他们收集的网站主要是和网页设计相关的的文章、参考资料、教程、免费的商业资料。下面是有关于该网站的英文介绍:Smashing Magazine is a website and blog that offers resources and advice to web developers and web designers.[1][3] It was founded by Sven Lennartz and Vitaly Friedman.[1] In December 2008 BurrellesLuce ranked Smashing Magazine number ten in their list of top blogs.[4] As of February 2009, Smashing Magazine had an Alexa ranking of 10,338[2] Smashing Magazine evaluates software, applications, and web-based tools that are targeted at web designers and developers,[5][6] and publishes tutorials and how-tos on design and development.[7][8] Smashing Magazine also offers free fonts,[9] icons, and templates for download,[8] as well as showcasing other things of importance the the web development community, such as HTTP 404 error page designs.[

Articles and news on CSS and related technologies.


访问者分布(%) & 网站排名变化曲线
1  India(22.1%)
2  United States(14.9%)
3  United Kingdom(4.8%)
4  Germany(3.1%)
5  China(3.0%)

loading alexa data pic

网站常用标签 responsive iframe phonegap iframe responsive photography websites wordpress developer

1 在线尼奥宠物官网 neopets.com

2 开放式维基教科书 wikibooks.org

3 美国UdaCity免费在线大学教育平台 udacity.com

4 可汗学院公开课官方网站 khanacademy.org

5 Louai Munajim elouai.com

6 childnet - childnet childnet.com

7 classzone.com classzone.com

8 cgi101.com cgi101.com

9 论坛-基督教青少年论坛 christianteenforums.com

10 移动学习体验-创建教育游戏 arisgames.org

11 孩子的eSafety主页办公室 cybersmart.gov.au

12 儿童计算机编程指导平台 crunchzilla.com

13 儿童游戏教学平台 zoodles.com

14 在线颜色搭配工具 colourco.de

15 黑人女孩代码想象建立创建-黑人女孩代码 blackgirlscode.com

16 免费儿童教育游戏平台 abcya.com

17 关于浏览器和网络的 20 项须知 20thingsilearned.com

18 CSS3属性暴露 css3files.com

19 基督教的聊天室 christianchat.com

20 CoderDojo coderdojo.com

21 在线神奇宝贝卡牌游戏平台 Pokemon.com

22 Sankaku复杂动画、漫画和游戏 Sankakucomplex.com

23 斯科特·亚当斯幽默漫画网 Dilbert.com

24 在线观看动漫英语配音字幕的剧集 Animefreak.tv

25 欢迎来到地球母亲在线 Gaiaonline.com

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