心理咨询救助服务平台 samaritans.org 详细资料

心理咨询救助服务平台 samaritans.org

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心理咨询救助服务平台是英国一个慈善性质的心理咨询解答平台,如果有心情压抑或者抑郁者可以通过该平台进行舒缓心情的服务,咨询者可通过电话、电邮或直接到该组织的地方分支机构咨询。每个人无论性别、年龄、种族、信仰,任何时间,都有可能受到情绪困扰。因此,的热线服务全年无休。由于自杀仍是英国人口每年非自然死亡的其中一个主因,提高社区情绪健康的意识积极推行公众教育,鼓励需要情绪支援的人士使用我们的服务。致电我们的并非只是有寻短见意欲的人士。不同年龄、不同背景的人士感到困扰或绝望,需要别人真诚聆听,都会致电我们的24小时热线。We’ve been talking to people about difficult feelings since 1953. In that time we’ve learned a lot about what really helps.We can help you explore your options, understand problems better, or just show you that someone is always prepared to care.It doesn’t matter who you are, how you feel, or what has happened. If you feel that things are getting to you, get in touch.Some people like to dive straight in and get in touch. Others want to know what it will feel like before they take the plunge.We've got some information about what happens when you get in touch.

Samaritans exists to provide confidential emotional support to the distressed and despairing in the UK and Ireland. If you need help, call 08457 90 90 90 or email jo@samaritans.org at any time. www.samaritans.org


访问者分布(%) & 网站排名变化曲线
1  United Kingdom(57.2%)
2  United States(12.4%)
3  Ireland(8.3%)

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网站常用标签 samaritans samaritan i want to kill myself samaritans number i want to commit suicide

服务器信息 IP地址:

1 GNIF Brain Blogger brainblogger.com

2 回家 aacap.org

3 论坛- CrazyBoards.org crazyboards.org

4 anxietybc anxietybc.com

5 抑郁 dbsalliance.org

6 焦虑(焦虑障碍患者)解决方案 anxietycoach.com

7 抑郁症论坛 depressionforums.org

8 牙科恐惧症与牙科焦虑症 dentalfearcentral.org

9 主块的邮件 afsp.org

10 美国咨询协会在线教育资源 counseling.org

11 焦虑-  anxietycentre.com

12 由家 beyondblue.org.au

13 注意缺陷多动障碍论坛 addforums.com

14 Facing the Facts bpdfamily.com

15 家里的焦虑和抑郁协会的美国ADAA adaa.org

16 症状药物疗法治疗诊断父母教养 additudemag.com

17 今日心理学杂志 psychologytoday.com

18 医学院前健康科学大学阿祖 atsu.edu

19 Cell cell.com

20 美国急救医师学院ACEP acep.org

21 在线神奇宝贝卡牌游戏平台 Pokemon.com

22 Sankaku复杂动画、漫画和游戏 Sankakucomplex.com

23 斯科特·亚当斯幽默漫画网 Dilbert.com

24 在线观看动漫英语配音字幕的剧集 Animefreak.tv

25 欢迎来到地球母亲在线 Gaiaonline.com

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