荷兰全文本科技数据库平台 sciencedirect.com 详细资料

荷兰全文本科技数据库平台 sciencedirect.com

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荷兰全文本科技数据库平台数据库是全球Zhui著名的全文数据库之一,由世界著名的Elsevier出版公司研制,该数据库提供了2000余种电子期刊、4000余种电子书、参考工具书、手册以及图书系列的电子全文服务,涵盖了24个学科领域900多万篇文献。Elsevier是荷兰一家全球著名的学术期刊出版商,每年出版大量的学术图书和期刊,大部分期刊被SCI、SSCI、EI收录,是世界上公认的高品位学术期刊。近几年该公司将其出版的2,500多种期刊和11,000图书全部数字化,即全文数据库,并通过网络提供服务。该数据库涉及众多学科:计算机科学、工程技术、能源科学、环境科学、材料科学、数学、物理、化学、天文学、医学、生命科学、商业、及经济管理、社会科学等。国内11所学术图书馆于2000年首批联合订购SDOS数据库中1998年以来的全文期刊。Elsevier, the modern publishing company, was founded in 1880. It has evolved from a small Dutch publishing house devoted to classical scholarship into an international multimedia publishing company with over 20,000 products for educational and professional science and healthcare communities worldwide. Elsevier takes its name from the original House of Elzevir, a Dutch family publishing house founded in 1580.Elsevier’s history reflects a series of collaborations in the effort to advance science and health. These publishing collaborations with a group of scientific visionaries — ranging from Jules Verne to Stephen W. Hawking — created the foundation of scientific and medical publishing.The efforts of the men and women dedicated to disseminating and using scientific and medical knowledge have been equally critical-- the editors, printers, librarians, nurses, doctors, engineers, information specialists and business people at the center of scientific and health publishing.Relationships with other great science publishers such as North Holland,

Contact information, list of accepted and forthcoming papers.


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1 全球开源软件开发平台 sourceforge.net

2 Satish Sampath debugmode.com

3 剑桥大学出版社 cambridge.org

4 creativyst软件开发、设计、交付(SM) creativyst.com

5 阿格纳雾 agner.org

6 Bruno R. Preiss网站 brpreiss.com

7 ePaper Press epaperpress.com

8 Brandeis University brandeis.edu

9 Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem elte.hu

10 组合电子杂志 combinatorics.org

11 美国商品清算客户的回报 amlinc.com

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20 abf货运公司 abfs.com

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23 斯科特·亚当斯幽默漫画网 Dilbert.com

24 在线观看动漫英语配音字幕的剧集 Animefreak.tv

25 欢迎来到地球母亲在线 Gaiaonline.com

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