美国媒体摄影师协会 asmp.org 详细资料

美国媒体摄影师协会 asmp.org

美国(122599)   点击(2004)   全球排名(298879)  百度评分: 


美国媒体摄影师协会(American Society of Media Photographers, 简称)是美国商业摄影师交流促进协会,成立于1944年,拥有7000多会员;致力于维护摄影师版权,遵守商业行为规范,促进摄影和商业间的有机结合。As a member of , you are a part of the premier trade association for the world’s most respected photographers. Your membership offers you enormous benefits that save you money, put dollars in your pocket, help you run a more profitable business, protect your interests, and extend your network. Fundamentals is a curriculum that covers the business essentials for emerging imaging professionals. Topics include how to start a business, pricing, copyright, licensing, releases, trademark, video business basics and digital best practices. Through in-person presentations, written tutorials, video lectures and more. offers these resources to academic institutions, chapters and community arts organizations.

A trade association which protects and promotes the interests of photographers whose work is for publication. Provides news, member area, and gallery.


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1  United States(69.7%)

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1 dataton多显示和音频引导系统 dataton.com

2 Cleopatra Records cleorecs.com

3 博客axioo–婚纱摄影 axioo.com

4 anjunabeats anjunabeats.com

5 Clay Paky claypaky.it

6 系统 anchoraudio.com

7 Egmont Corporate egmont.com

8 活动星系核 agnesb.com

9 Daslight 灯光控制器,DMX灯光软件,PC,MAC .IPad daslight.com

10 广播仓库-伟大的电台开始在这里 broadcastwarehouse.com

11 迪士尼在百老汇官网购票 disneyonbroadway.com

12 免版税背景素材网 freemediagoo.com

13 麦克风录制 audixusa.com

14 纵横交错的爵士乐 crisscrossjazz.com

15 拖市 dragcity.com

16 ALPA瑞士显著相机制造商 alpa.ch

17 新旧专业视频 broadcaststore.com

18 Bill Levkoff在New的伴娘礼服和礼服 billlevkoff.com

19 黄昏的音频 eventide.com

20 家庭蓝色笔记记录 bluenote.com

21 在线神奇宝贝卡牌游戏平台 Pokemon.com

22 Sankaku复杂动画、漫画和游戏 Sankakucomplex.com

23 斯科特·亚当斯幽默漫画网 Dilbert.com

24 在线观看动漫英语配音字幕的剧集 Animefreak.tv

25 欢迎来到地球母亲在线 Gaiaonline.com

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