美国职业摄影师协会官网 ppa.com 详细资料

美国职业摄影师协会官网 ppa.com

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美国职业摄影师协会是一个几乎与摄影术诞生历史一样悠久的享誉世界的非赢利性国际摄影组织,是由世界上54个国家的25000余名职业摄影师个人会员和近二百个附属组织和分支机构共同组成的,是世界上Zhui大的专业摄影师协会。的宗旨是使每一位会员都能成为成功的职业摄影师,为他们提供所有成功的途径,拓展他们创造的空间;帮助他们在摄影事业及其职业生涯中有更大的艺术成就和更高的商业价值,在他们的摄影王国实现其艺术与商业梦想。在为推进会员个人的艺术创作与技术进步,推介会员作品在国际摄影界的公众认知和提升会员在国际上的知名度发挥着重要的桥梁和纽带作用。创立了美国视觉艺术家联盟及其所隶属的美国国际商业摄影师协会、美国新闻及体育摄影师协会、美国学生摄影联合会等组织。在艺术、商业、纪实、体育等摄影领域一直引领世界潮流,走在世界摄影艺术与技术应用及商业规划管理的Zhui前沿。What’s edu? – it’s ’s newest member benefit. It's an education platform that provides you a full buffet of online educational resources personalized to suit you, your business and your craft. Each program delivers great information clearly outlined with key takeaways. You won’t waste time wondering what courses might make sense for you and you will be able to start honing your craft and strengthening your business immediately.edu offers 8 categories (4 business + 4 creative) to tailor a program that suits your business growth. We provide these customized recommendations thanks to the self-assessment tool. After answering a series of questions that focus on you and your studio, you'll see a truly personalized recommendation program for you to use whenever/wherever you want.

Nonprofit association for professional photographers and image makers in other disciplines. Searchable member directory.


访问者分布(%) & 网站排名变化曲线
1  United States(73.5%)

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网站常用标签 ppa professional photographers photo copyright ppa insurance ppa membership

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