电子舞曲音乐电台 di.fm 详细资料

电子舞曲音乐电台 di.fm

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电子舞曲音乐电台是多渠道的互联网广播服务平台,专注于电子舞曲音乐流派的音乐推广和创作,集合了优秀的电子音乐资源,该网站主要提供流媒体格式为:MP3、Windows Media音频,AAC-HE格式;Zhui值得称赞的是该网站上的所有歌曲都是免费使用了,如果你有方法不妨试着下载到自己的电脑上保存起来。电台成立于1999年,由Ari Shohat创办,从Zhui古老的Window98电脑配置开始了他的光辉生涯,直到今天累计收录了丰富的音频资源,拥有10万左右的听众,该电台已经成为了互联网广播节目的独家网络音乐服务商。Digitally Imported streams the world's most addictive electronic music. Our radio channels feature world renowned artists, DJs, and the hottest exclusive shows. Discover the community and the wide variety of electronic music covering Trance, House, Dance, Techno, Chillout, Breaks, Downtempo and so much more.Digitally Imported is a multi-channel internet radio service specialising in Electronic Dance Music genres.Filling a global niche for EDM broadcasting has made Digitally Imported one of the most popular internet radio services in the world.All our channels are offered in three streaming formats: MP3, Windows Media Audio, and AAC-HE formats.Listen to any of the channels for free, or join Digitally Imported Premium for unlimited high quality and completely commercial-free music.Digitally Imported was started in 1999 by Ari Shohat with the launch of the initial Trance channel. It was powered by a 366MHz Celeron running Windows 98 on his home DSL line. What began as one man's hobby in New York grew within a decade to include a staff team across more than eight cities worldwide.Today, DI has 110+ channels across multiple brands, 100,000+ regular listeners, and exclusive online distribution for man

A streaming radio station dedicated to playing European Hi-NRG, techno, and trance music.
内容提要:Digitally Imported streams the world's most addictive electronic music. Our radio channels feature world renowned artists, DJs, and the hottest exclusive ...


访问者分布(%) & 网站排名变化曲线
1  United States(14.5%)
2  Russia(12.4%)
3  United Kingdom(6.2%)
4  Japan(5.6%)
5  Germany(5.6%)

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网站常用标签 di digitally imported difm fm di.fm

服务器信息 IP地址:

1 在线MP3音乐分享博客 stereogum.com

2 免费音乐档案馆 freemusicarchive.org

3 免版税的音乐图书馆从 premiumbeat.com

4 歌词歌词 lyricsfreak.com

5 国际乐谱图书馆 imslp.org

6 英国新音乐快递杂志 nme.com

7 雅马哈公司 yamaha.com

8 Encyclopaedia Metallum metal-archives.com

9 乐队资料搜索引擎 rateyourmusic.com

10 驻地顾问-电子音乐在线 residentadvisor.net

11 本地音乐会推荐应用 songkick.com

12 Allmusic记录回顾流歌流派 allmusic.com

13 独立音乐信息杂志 pitchfork.com

14 在线歌词数据库查询网 metrolyrics.com

15 在线吉他乐谱分享网 ultimate-guitar.com

16 在线音乐收录数据库 discogs.com

17 加拿大Azlyrics音乐歌词分享网 azlyrics.com

18 鸽基金会家庭友好电影评论 dove.org

19 britmovie英国电影家 britmovie.co.uk

20 捉鬼敢死队电影官方网站 ghostbusters.com

21 在线神奇宝贝卡牌游戏平台 Pokemon.com

22 Sankaku复杂动画、漫画和游戏 Sankakucomplex.com

23 斯科特·亚当斯幽默漫画网 Dilbert.com

24 在线观看动漫英语配音字幕的剧集 Animefreak.tv

25 欢迎来到地球母亲在线 Gaiaonline.com

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