在线免费针织视频资源网 详细资料


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在线免费针织视频资源网是一个通过在线观看编织基础视频知识来学习创作自己的作品,很多家庭主妇在闲暇的时候会找些自己感兴趣的东西来大发时间,Zhui合适的莫过于针织手工了。视频教学网站提供免费的基础针织教程和收费版的高级针织教程,初级用户直接浏览免费的视频资源就完全可以自己制作了,只要收费版的资源,除非你需要提供技能,否则免费版的足够你大发时间娱乐一把了。 is the collaborative efforts of Amy and Sheldon Finlay. Amy is the gifted knitter responsible for the content and videos and Sheldon is the resident geek who handles all the web stuff. This site had its humble beginning on Amy's personal web site where she had a handful of free basic knitting videos.The videos became quite popular and Amy decided to expand the web site and in 2004 this web site was launched. .com has become one of the most, if not the most, popular online instruction web site for knitting. Amy and Sheldon and their young daughter Erin, live in western Massachusetts.

Online videos of basic and advanced knitting instructions showing both continental and English methods. Includes basics plus knitting in the round, working a sock heel, Fair Isle, Intarsia knitting, free patterns and forum.


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1  United States(56.0%)
2  Canada(10.4%)
3  United Kingdom(9.4%)
4  Australia(6.9%)
5  Russia(1.0%)

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网站常用标签 knitting how to cast on knitting learn to knit learn how to knit magic loop

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